Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Chapter 16 Summary/Discussion ?s

   Evening came and Kira went to Thomas' room for a lunch break.  Thomas explains that he carved a key for Jo's room, and Kira and Thomas go to visit her.   Jo is afraid at first, but Kira lulls her and she asks them if they heard her beautiful singing.  Thomas and Kira said they would come visit her anytime  she needed help or comfort only.  They decide that Jo has to signal them to come by thumping on the ceiling of her room.  Jo finally said she wanted the freedom to sing her songs as she always did.  Kira felt the same way.

Discussion ?s
1) Why did they decide thumping as a signal for Jo?  How is Jo going to remember if she is only a toddler?  Do you think Kira will enjoy Jo or will it be time-consuming?
2) Why do they don't let Jo sing freely?  Is it because she is young and the guardians don't want her to disturb anyone?  Is because they want her to sing special songs to create the future?  Explain your thinking.
3) Discuss Kira's kindness for others.  Why does she want to help others all the time? 

Monday, March 22, 2010

Chapter 15 Summary/Discussion ?s

At midday on the day of Annabella's death, Kira notices the men constructing a new dyeing place for her near the Edifice.  It looks to be a much grander facility than Annabella ever had, and Kira mourns the lost of her friend and teacher.  The men also bring all of Annabella's materials, and Jamison tells Kira that Annabella's cott still remains standing.  Since Annabella died in her sleep, there is no need to burn her home.

Kira asks Jamison if she may watch over Annabella's spirit in the Field of Leaving, but he says that her work on the robe is more important and the time is short.  Someone else will watch over the old woman's spirit so that Kira can finish her task before the time of the ceremony arrives.  Kira the goes and talks to Thomas to ask about what it was like coming to live in the Edifice as a tyke.  They also explore the possibility of them becoming artists.  They then decide to visit Jo that night.

Discussion ?s
1) What do you think Kira thinks about Annabella's death and her new place?  Does she think she will enjoy it or not.  Why or why not?
2) What do you think Kira should do to finish learning all of the colors?  If she has learnde them already, how will she complete her assigned task in time?
3) Why would Kira ask Jamison to watch over Annabella's spirit?  Why would Kira be interested in doing that?  Explain your thinking.
4) Do you think that Kira enjoys making the Singer's robe or does she do it to save herself from going to the Fields?  Debate this with the other group members.

Chapter 14 Summary/Discussion ?s

     Hoping to make up the day lost to the storm, Kira wakes early and prepares to visit Annabella for a dyeing lesson.  Just as she is about to enter the forest, one of her friends from the weaving shed, Marlena tells Kira that she is missed around the shed, and Matt has been doing a poor job as her replacement.

Kira asks Marlena, who lives in the Fen, if she knew Jo, the singing girl.  Marlena informs Kira that she knew of her voice, but she didn't know Jo personally.  Marlena whispers that people said that Jo's songs were not only beautiful, but also prophetic.  They conclude their chat, and Kira sets off for Annabella's house.

Before Kira can enter the woods, Matt arrives and informs Kira that Annabella in dead and she begins to look for Jamison.  Kira then speaks to Jo through the key hole of her chamber and promises that she will return soon.

Discussion ?s
1) Are the guardians soon going to "adopt" Jo like they did with Kira and Thomas?  Explain your thinking.
2) Why do you think Marlena whispered to Kira that Jo's songs were not only beautiful but prophetic?  Is that a secret?  Why would Marlena think Jo's songs are prophetic?
3) Discuss Jo's singing abilities.  Was she born with this talent?  How did she receive the singing skills she has?  Explain your thinking.


Sunday, March 21, 2010

Chapter 13 Summary/Discussion ?s

Kira, Matt, Thomas, and Branch decided to explore the level below their quarters because Thomas had heard crying the night before. It turned out to be a very small tyke who was known as “the little singing girl.” Also, Matt apparently knows her and they see Jamison helping her. She is an orphan who is either wishing for her mom or singing.
Discussion ?s
1) What defines a beast from a wild animal?  Are there even such things as "beasts" but the people don't know about it yet?
2) If Kira was caught going to visit the singing tyke by Jamison, would that change their relationship fo good?  How do you think Kira feels about Jamison?  How does she show her feelings for him?
3) Discuss Jamison's personality.  How does his personality affect Kira's work on the Singer's robe?
4) Describe Annabella.  When she announces,"There be no beasts," do you think she was right or wrong.  Explain your thinking.

Saturday, March 20, 2010

Chapter 22 Summary/Discussion ?s

Kira's father who just returned, Christopher, before going to sleep, told Kira his story.  Christopher tells Kira that he wasn't taken by beasts, but by men, though Christopher didn't know who it was.  He says that when they were hunting, someone comes and attacks him, almost killing him.  The men had found him in the Fields, very injured, and dragged him to safety.  Christopher asks Kira about her leg, and she informs him that she was born that way.  Kira also explains Jamison and Christopher concludes that Jamison was the one that tried to kill Christopher.

Discussion ?s
1) Why does Jamison try to kill Christopher if he defends Kira?  Was it because she could be held captive and create the future?
2) Do you think that the men that dragged Christopher to safety wre stangers that helped him out of kindness or maybe it was people that Christopher knew?
3) Discuss the conversation between Kira and Christopher.  Do you think that this helped Kira find a strong relationship with her father?

Chapter 18 Summary/Discussion ?s

The Gathering is approaching, and everyone is preparing for it.  Matt has still not returned, and Kira is worried about him.  Kira is occasionally visiting Jo, the singing tyke in the room below.  Kira asks Jamison about the Ruin, and he recites,"Burn, scourged world, Furious furnace, Inferro impure..."  Jamison finally tells Kira,"We have been waiting a long time for you."

Discussion ?s
1) Did Jamison stage Katrina, Kira's mother's death?
2) Do you think they didn't kill Kira when she was a baby because they wanted her to create the future with her weaving talent?
3) Why do you think Jamison's relationship with Kira seems to be close?  Does he want her to create the future as well?  How does he show this throughout the book?
4) Why do you think Jamison said,"We have waited a long time for you?"  Wa she trying to tell Kira the whole reason why the guardians took her in?

Friday, March 19, 2010

Discussion Questions

We still have to complete some of the discussion questions for some chapters and they're due on Monday. I would suggest spending a fraction of the weekend posting your assigned discussion questions so that we are up to date next week.
Have a good weekend! :)

Chapter 17 Summary/Discussion ?s

Kira and Thomas walk to see what the workmen are doing and they realize that both of their work was approaching that unadorned expanse, for the Gathering was coming.  They decide to walk out of the Edifice and ask people if they had seen Matt, who disappeared.  Finally, she comes to a woman and her tyke to ask about Matt.  The boy tyke with her surprisingly knew the answer.  He said Matt and Branch had gone on a journey to get a gift for Kira.  That gift is the color blue that Kira has longed for.

Discussion ?s
1) Do you think that by going on this journey,  Matt will prove something about himself and his personality?
2) Discuss the relationship between Matt and Kira.  How do you think that relationship changes throughout the book?
3) What do you think is Matt's destiny?  How does he pursue it?


We've already finished reading Gathering Blue, so now our goal is to complete any unfinished work, (discussion questions, reading responses etc.) by Monday, the 21st. We have also been assigned to make a book cover for the book which we will discuss further in class with Alissa. I realize that Sam and Shoshanah wanted to do the cover, contributing a drawing. I had an idea in which we would glue a piece of blue ribbon or yarn to the front page, representing the blue. I don't know, tell me your ideas, we have some time before this is due.

Chapter 12 Summary/Discussion ?s

Kira wakes up feeling something has changed.  Jamison has recently been stoping by Kira's room and was pleased with her work.  She then realized that she could ask Jamison about the beasts, which Annabella said didn't  exist.  She remembered the cycle of the Ruin, rebuilding and regrowth.  She talks to Thomas about it and he doesn't know anything.  Instead, he informs her about some crying he had heard the nigt before.  They told Matt they were going to find out what that noise was, and Kira, Thomas, Matt, and Branch head downstairs  to explore.

Discussion  ?s
1) What do you think was making that sound in the room below?
2) Do you  think the Ruin is repeating itself?
3)  Do you think  Matt was making the noise?

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Chapter 11 Summary/Discussion ?s

Kira was hurrying to Annabella's house for her first dyeing lesson, worried.  She told Annabella that she heard something in the bushes.  Annabella replies,"There be no beasts."  When she returns to her room, she discusses this with Thomas and he says he has seen deer or rabbits but nothing fatal to humans.  Kira goes to sleep pondering about those words.

Discussion ?s
1) Are the guardians hiding something that Kira should know?
2) Are the guardians trying to inflict fear?
3) Is Kira's father really dead?

Chapter 6 Summary/Discussion ?s

The bell rang 4 times which sigbnaled that Kira had to return to the building.  Kira and her good friend, Matt (with his dog, Branch) enter the building.  Kira talks to her defender for the meeting, Jamison while Matt and Branch are waiting outside.  Jamison finally shows Kira what she has been waiting for, her new, luxurous home.

Discussion ?s
1) When Jamison hesitated to let Matt in, what is your opinion about how these people treat the poor?
2) Kira was surprised that there was water in the building.  What do you think her next reaction was?

Chapter 5 Summary/Discussion ?s

After the lunch break, Kira and Vandara notice a box behind the guardians that reveals the fabulous Singer's robe.  The Council of Guardians finnaly decide that Kira's home will be given to Vandara but Kira is going to stay in the Edifice as a weaver.

Discussion ?s
1) Why are the weak cast aside?
2) Why are people acused for stupid reasons?
3) Why do you die if you lose an accusation?

Chapter 7 Summary/Discussion ?s

  In this chapter Kira has to restore the Singer's robe.Since Kira's mother has died now she must take a journey to Katrina's[Kira's mother]teacher Anabella.Kira's mother learned to dye threads with Anabella and now Kira will learn how to dye for the Singer's robe.

Monday, March 15, 2010

Unfinished Assignments

I wanted to remind everybody that you have until March 26 to complete unfinished work.  This means to post all of the summaries for every chapter, post all discussion questions, and to do every incomplete or unfinished reading response for every chapter.  Also, you must, by a direction from Alissa, post the discussion questions at the same time as you post the matching summary.  I don't mean to be this harsh, but Alissa said this in class today.  Try your best to get everything done and turned in.

Friday, March 12, 2010

Chapter 23 Summary/Discussion ?s

Kira wakes the next morning before dawn and goes to her garden to tend the flowers that her father has brought her. She ponders many questions, realizing that her mother was most likely poisoned in order to bring Kira under the protection of the Guardians. She assumes that similar fates befell Thomas' and Jo's parents, and in thinking of Jo, Kira remembers the thing that horrified her during the Ruin Song.
The metallic clanking Kira and Thomas heard during the ceremony was created by thick metal shackles that bound the ruined, bloody feet of the Singer. She then realizes why Thomas Jo and herself are kept in the Council of Edifice, they are the artists that are going to create the future. Because of this, Kira decides that she will stay but that Matt will guide her father back to the village at times and that one day she will take the journey and live with her father. 

Discussion Questions for Chapter 23
1) What do think this sentence means,"  They were forcing the children to describe the future they wanted, not the one that could be," (212)?

2) What is the relationship that you see between Kira and her father?

3) Since Annabella is dead, do you think that Kira should or shouldn't be at her house?  Why or why not?

4) If this time period is in the future, when the world is destroyed, do you think there might be other places in the world that are as destroyed as Kira's world?

5) How do you feel about the last sentence,"The blue was gathered in her hand, and she could feel it quiver, as if it had been given a breath and was beginning to live," (215)?  Do you think it is a bad or good ending?

6) Do you think that maybe Kira's world only focuses on the future of the people and kills unescassary and useless people?

7) Why do you think Jamison tried to kill Kira's father?  Was it out of jealousy of her father's hunting skills? 

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Lost Book/Individual Reminders

Hey everyone.  I wanted to tell you guys that I found a copy of Gathering Blue in Alissa's room at afterschool today.  It was the #10 copy.  I was wondering if it might be one of our group member's book.

Sam- it is your turn to do the discussion ?s and the summary for chapter 22 & please bring the chapter summaries for 11, 12, 17, &18 A.S.A.P

Derick- please bring back the chapter summaries for 7, 10, & 16 tomorrow

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Our Meeting on 3/11/10

If it is alright with everyone else, I would like to discuss the ?s that both Deick and Sam thought of tomorrow since we didn't get to hear Derick today.

Monday, March 8, 2010

Chapter 4 Summary/Discussion ?s

Kira’s defender’s name was Jamison.  Jamison, one by one, addressed the accusations and had a lot of repetition.  After several of repeating lines, Jamison asks Kira to demonstrate her flaw to the rest of the guardians.  Then, there was a meal break, and a rest period and at this time, Kira finds Matt and talks to him.  He says he wants to help her rebuild her cot, but Kira says wait because she wants to find out if she is
staying or leaving first.

Discussion ?s
1) Why do you think Jamison repeated everything that had already been stated?  Was it on purpose or was it because he was not good at his job?  Explain your thinking.
2) Discuss Matt's personality so far.  What do you think Kira thinks of his offer?  How does Kira find an answer that won't hurt his feelings?
3) What do you think Kira is thinking about?  Is she thinking about her mother, the guardians' not yet made decision, or Vandara?  Explain with group and have everyone share.

Chapter 3 Summary/Discussion ?s

    The next day, at midday, Kira walks into the chamber where the Council of Guardians held the meeting.  Vandara was the accuser and Kira was the accused.  Vandara spoke first and told a complete lie about what happened.  Kira was disagreeing a lot with Vandara in her head and really wants to defend herslef but given a choice to defend herself or a defender would be announced for her.  Will Kira stay or go?

Discussion ?s
1) After the arguement between Kira and Vandara, what do you think Kira is feeling?  What do you think Vandara is feeling?  How do they express their feelings?  Explain your thinking.
2) What do you think the Council of Guardians think of Kira?  How do they show their feelings for her?  Do you think Kira likes the guardians?  Does she trust them to make the right decision?  Explain.

Chapter 2 Summary/Discussion ?s

    While Kira is rebuilding her cot, Vandara appears and starts tugging on the carrots that Kira and her mother tended together.  Suddenly, other women appeared who seemed to be working for Vandara.  They are trying to throw Kira out so they can make a pen for tykes, toddlers who cause trouble.  The women threaten to throw rocks at Kira, but Kira reminds them that they will be put to death if they kill her and Kira suggests a meeting with the Council of Guardians.

Discussion ?s
1) Do you think the women who appear to be working for Vandara like being harmful to children?  Do they enjoy listening to Vandara and obeying her orders?  Is them doing this out of respect for Vandara or fear for her?  Explain.
2) How do you think Kira remained calm?  Where do you think she got the skills to not fight back?  Do you think that Kira made her reminder out of bravery or to get Vandara off of her?  Explain.


From now on, we are only going to read one chapter per night. Tonight we have to read chapter 19.

Saturday, March 6, 2010

Chapter Summaries as of March 1st

3/1- Everyone
3/2- Derick
3/3- Sam B.
3/4- Shoshanah
3/5 Caroline
3/6 Derick
3/7- Sam B.
3/8- Shoshanah
3/9- Caroline
3/10- Derick
3/11- Sam B.
3/12- Shoshanah
3/13- Caroline